Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Another Demonstration We Are Headed in the Wrong Direction

A new study by RAND is yet another demonstration of our penny wise and pound foolish policies. All our latest solutions insist patients are gluttonous overutilizers of care, demanding spurious MRIs and running to specialists for every twinge. At least, that's the current fashionable demon driving the consumerism bus. But according to RAND, in some instances, that thinking is completely backward:
Cutting drug co-payments for people taking drugs for chronic illnesses could save billions of dollars in medical expenses by prompting patients to take their medication and avoid hospitalization.

Isn't that a kick in the head? So those in Medicare D who have now reached the donut hole and may be neglecting to take their Lipitor might be appearing in the ER with greater frequency in the months to come. HSA holders (I mean the group on the edge that used to be uninsured - you know, the ones HSA designers say they were intended to help? Not those using HSAs as yet another investment vehicle)may be in the same position, scrimping on preventive care while keeping their insurance for that catastrophic event.

When I'm counseling someone on their HSA, my clients tend to think of it as, "I won't lose my house" insurance, not comprehensive health care. I wonder if Pitney Bowes offers an HSA, considering their health cost turn-around in 2001?

Crossposted at http://www.signalhealth.com


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